Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I thought I had posted a progress image of my third collage, but I guess I didn't. So here it is (I've chosen to do paintings of this one and the salamander one.)

I really like the idea of putting classic move stars and other celebrities with ancient holy imagery of the past. In freshman year drawing class, I did a whole series on this idea, except it was tarot cards.

I'm still working on the paintings and having kind of a hard time. I haven't oil painted in almost a year. Last semester I got very accustomed to using wax pastels on masonite. I sort of wish I could use that for this class too. I think I'd be a lot more comfortable. But this is a painting studio, so. Maybe I'll get better as I go on. I was never awesome at oil paint, but I think I was at the level just above "competent". Like, not good, but not at the "learned how to do this yesterday" stage. Oh well.

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